Privacy policy

OPTIMAP does not collect or log your personal data. We only store your email to identify your user account and nothing else.

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This website does not use any cookies to track users, with the exception of the login status, to which users provide implicit concent by opening an account on the website.

This website utilizes map services provided by the OpenStreetMap Foundation, St John's Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WS, United Kingdom (short OSMF). Your Internet browser or application will connect to servers operated by the OSMF located in the United Kingdom and in other countries. The operator of this site has no control over such connections and processing of your data by the OSMF. You can find more information on the processing of user data by the OSMF in the OSMF privacy policy. This website integrates the OSMF services exclusively for the legitimate interest (cf. article 6.1f of the GDPR) of displaying the map functions to the users of the website for interactive exploration of the presented datasets.

Notice of liability

Although we check the content carefully, we cannot accept responsibility for the content of external links. The linked sites' carriers are responsible for their sites' content.



Technische Universtität Dresden
Professur für Geoinformatik - KOMET project team
Helmholtzstr. 10
D-01069 Dresden

Responsible for the content

Dr. Daniel Nüst